Source code for dustmaps.chen2014

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Reads the Chen et al. (2014) dust map, based on stellar photometry from the
# Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anticentre.
# Copyright (C) 2016  Gregory M. Green
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
import h5py
import os

import astropy.coordinates as coordinates
import astropy.units as units

from .std_paths import *
from .map_base import DustMap, ensure_flat_galactic
from .unstructured_map import UnstructuredDustMap
from . import fetch_utils

[docs]class Chen2014Query(UnstructuredDustMap): """ The 3D dust map of Chen et al. (2014), based on stellar photometry from the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anticentre. The map covers 140 deg < l < 240 deg, -60 deg < b < 40 deg. """
[docs] def __init__(self, map_fname=None): """ Args: map_fname (Optional[str]): Filename at which the map is stored. Defaults to `None`, meaning that the default filename is used. """ if map_fname is None: map_fname = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'chen2014', 'chen2014.h5') with h5py.File(map_fname, 'r') as f: self._dists = f['dists'][:] self._lb = f['pix_lb'][:] self._A = f['A_r'][:] self._sigma_A = f['A_r_err'][:] # Have to filter out zero pixels # idx = ~np.all(self._A < 1.e-5, axis=1) # self._lb = self._lb[idx] # self._A = self._A[idx] # self._sigma_A = self._sigma_A[idx] self._n_dists = self._dists.size # Don't query more than this angular distance from any point max_pix_scale = 0.5 * units.deg # Tesselate the sphere coords = coordinates.SkyCoord( self._lb[:,0], self._lb[:,1], unit='deg', frame='galactic') super(Chen2014Query, self).__init__(coords, max_pix_scale, metric_p=2)
[docs] def query(self, coords, return_sigma=False): """ Returns r-band extinction, A_r, at the given coordinates. Can also return uncertainties. Args: coords (`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`): The coordinates to query. return_sigma (Optional[bool]): If True, returns the uncertainty in extinction as well. Defaults to False. Returns: Extinction in the r-band at the specified coordinates, in mags. The shape of the output depends on whether ``coords`` contains distances. If `coords` does not specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with `coords.shape`. If `coords` does specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with `coords.shape + ([number of distance bins],)`. """ n_coords_ret = coords.shape[0] # Determine if distance has been requested has_dist = hasattr(coords.distance, 'kpc') d = coords.distance.kpc if has_dist else None # Convert coordinates to pixel indices pix_idx = self._coords2idx(coords) # Determine which coordinates are out of bounds mask_idx = (pix_idx == self._n_pix) if np.any(mask_idx): pix_idx[mask_idx] = 0 # Which distances to extract if has_dist: d = coords.distance.kpc dist_idx_ceil = np.searchsorted(self._dists, d) ret = np.empty((n_coords_ret,), dtype='f8') if return_sigma: sigma_ret = np.empty((n_coords_ret,), dtype='f8') # d < d(nearest distance slice) idx_near = (dist_idx_ceil == 0) & ~mask_idx print('d < d(nearest): {:d}'.format(np.sum(idx_near))) if np.any(idx_near): a = d[idx_near] / self._dists[0] ret[idx_near] = a[:] * self._A[pix_idx[idx_near], 0] if return_sigma: sigma_ret[idx_near] = a[:] * self._sigma_A[pix_idx[idx_near], 0] # d > d(farthest distance slice) idx_far = (dist_idx_ceil == self._n_dists) & ~mask_idx print('d > d(farthest): {:d}'.format(np.sum(idx_far))) if np.any(idx_far): ret[idx_far] = self._A[pix_idx[idx_far], -1] if return_sigma: sigma_ret[idx_far] = self._sigma_A[pix_idx[idx_far], -1] # d(nearest distance slice) < d < d(farthest distance slice) idx_btw = ~idx_near & ~idx_far & ~mask_idx print('d(nearest) < d < d(farthest): {:d}'.format(np.sum(idx_btw))) if np.any(idx_btw): d_ceil = self._dists[dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]] d_floor = self._dists[dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]-1] a = (d_ceil - d[idx_btw]) / (d_ceil - d_floor) ret[idx_btw] = ( (1.-a[:]) * self._A[pix_idx[idx_btw], dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]] + a[:] * self._A[pix_idx[idx_btw], dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]-1]) if return_sigma: w0 = (1.-a)**2 w1 = a**2 norm = 1. / (w0 + w1) w0 *= norm w1 *= norm sigma_ret[idx_btw] = np.sqrt( w0 * self._sigma_A[pix_idx[idx_btw], dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]]**2 + w1 * self._sigma_A[pix_idx[idx_btw], dist_idx_ceil[idx_btw]-1]**2 ) else: # TODO: Harmonize order of distances & samples with Bayestar. ret = self._A[pix_idx, :] if return_sigma: sigma_ret = self._sigma_A[pix_idx, :] if np.any(mask_idx): ret[mask_idx] = np.nan if return_sigma: sigma_ret[mask_idx] = np.nan if return_sigma: return ret, sigma_ret return ret
@property def distances(self): """ Returns the distance bins that the map uses. The return type is ``astropy.units.Quantity``, which stores unit-full quantities. """ return self._dists * units.kpc
[docs]def ascii2h5(dat_fname, h5_fname): """ Converts from the original ASCII format of the Chen+ (2014) 3D dust map to the HDF5 format. Args: dat_fname (str): Filename of the original ASCII .dat file. h5_fname (str): Output filename to write the resulting HDF5 file to. """ table = np.loadtxt(dat_fname, skiprows=1, dtype='f4') filter_kwargs = dict( chunks=True, compression='gzip', compression_opts=3) # Filter out pixels with all zeros idx = ~np.all(table[:,2:32] < 1.e-5, axis=1) with h5py.File(h5_fname, 'w') as f: d = np.arange(0., 4.351, 0.15).astype('f4') dset = f.create_dataset('dists', data=d, **filter_kwargs) dset.attrs['description'] = 'Distances at which extinction is measured' dset.attrs['units'] = 'kpc' dset = f.create_dataset('pix_lb', data=table[idx,0:2], **filter_kwargs) dset.attrs['description'] = 'Galactic (l, b) of each pixel' dset.attrs['units'] = 'deg' dset = f.create_dataset('A_r', data=table[idx,2:32], **filter_kwargs) dset.attrs['description'] = 'Extinction' dset.attrs['shape'] = '(pixel, distance)' dset.attrs['band'] = 'r' dset.attrs['units'] = 'mag' dset = f.create_dataset('A_r_err', data=table[idx,32:], **filter_kwargs) dset.attrs['description'] = 'Gaussian uncertainty in extinction' dset.attrs['shape'] = '(pixel, distance)' dset.attrs['band'] = 'r' dset.attrs['units'] = 'mag'
[docs]def fetch(clobber=False): """ Downloads the Chen et al. (2014) dust map. Args: clobber (Optional[bool]): If ``True``, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If ``False`` (the default), ``fetch()`` will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100\% robust against data corruption. """ dest_dir = fname_pattern = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'chen2014') url = '' dat_fname = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'chen2014.dat') h5_fname = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'chen2014.h5') md5 = 'f8a2bc46d411c57ca4c76dc344e291f1' # Check if file already exists if not clobber: h5_size = 52768768 # Guess, in Bytes h5_dsets = { 'dists': (30,), 'pix_lb': (557398, 2), 'A_r': (557398, 30), 'A_r_err': (557398, 30) } if fetch_utils.h5_file_exists(h5_fname, h5_size, dsets=h5_dsets): print('File appears to exist already. Call `fetch(clobber=True)` ' 'to force overwriting of existing file.') return # Download the table print('Downloading {}'.format(url)) fetch_utils.download_and_verify(url, md5, fname=dat_fname) # Convert from ASCII to HDF5 format print('Repacking files...') ascii2h5(dat_fname, h5_fname) # Cleanup print('Removing original file...') os.remove(dat_fname)