Source code for dustmaps.edenhofer2023

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Reads the Edenhofer2023 dust map, which is described in
# Edenhofer et al. (2023).
# Copyright (C) 2023  Gordian Edenhofer and Gregory M. Green
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

import astropy.units as units
import numpy as np

from . import fetch_utils
from .map_base import DustMap, ensure_flat_galactic
from .std_paths import data_dir

DustSphere = namedtuple(
    "DustSphere", (
        "data", "nside", "nest", "radii", "coo_bounds", "radii0", "data0",
        "units", "data_uncertainty", "data0_uncertainty"

DATA_DIR_SUBDIR = "edenhofer_2023"

def _get_sphere(filepath):
    from import fits

    radii0 = None
    rec_dust0 = None
    rec_uncertainty = None
    rec0_uncertainty = None
    with, "readonly") as hdul:
        for hdu in hdul:
            nm =
            if isinstance(hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU) and is None:
            elif nm in ("primary", "mean", "samples", "healpix times distance"):
                dust_density =
                nside = hdu.header["NSIDE"]
                nest = hdu.header["ORDERING"].lower().startswith("nest")
                units = hdu.header.get("CUNIT")
                if dust_density.shape[-1] != 12 * nside**2:
                    ve = "invalid shape of dust density {!r}"
                    raise ValueError(ve.format(dust_density.shape))
            elif isinstance(hdu, fits.BinTableHDU):
                if == ['radial pixel centers']:
                    radii =["radial pixel centers"]
                elif == ['radial pixel boundaries']:
                    coo_bounds =["radial pixel boundaries"]
                    ve = "unrecognized entry in BinTableHDU {!r}"
                    raise ValueError(ve.format(
            elif isinstance(hdu, fits.ImageHDU) and (
                nm.startswith("mean of integrated inner") or
                nm.startswith("integrated inner")
                prfx = "inner density integrated within"
                ctp = hdu.header.get("CTYPE")
                ctp = hdu.header.get("CTYPE1") if ctp is None else ctp
                if ctp.lower().startswith(prfx):
                    radii0 = ctp.lower().removeprefix(prfx)
                    if not radii0.endswith("pc"):
                        ve = "unrecognized units {!r}".format(radii0)
                        raise ValueError(ve)
                    radii0 = radii0.removesuffix("pc")
                    radii0 = float(radii0.strip())
                    rec_dust0 =
                    if nest != hdu.header["ORDERING"].lower(
                        raise ValueError("ordering mismatch")
                    if rec_dust0.shape[-1] != 12 * nside**2:
                        ve = "incompatible shape of dust density {!r}"
                        raise ValueError(ve.format(dust_density.shape))
            elif isinstance(hdu, fits.ImageHDU
                           ) and nm.startswith("std. of integrated inner"):
                prfx = "std. of inner density integrated within"
                ctp = hdu.header.get("CTYPE")
                ctp = hdu.header.get("CTYPE1") if ctp is None else ctp
                if hdu.header["CTYPE"].lower().startswith(prfx):
                    radii0_unc = ctp.lower().removeprefix(prfx)
                    if not radii0_unc.endswith("pc"):
                        ve = "unrecognized units {!r}".format(radii0)
                        raise ValueError(ve)
                    radii0_unc = radii0_unc.removesuffix("pc")
                    radii0_unc = float(radii0_unc.strip())
                    rec0_uncertainty =
                    if radii0_unc != radii0:
                        raise ValueError("radii mismatch")
                    if nest != hdu.header["ORDERING"].lower(
                        raise ValueError("ordering mismatch")
                    if rec0_uncertainty.shape[-1] != 12 * nside**2:
                        ve = "incompatible shape of dust density uncertainty {!r}"
                        raise ValueError(ve.format(rec0_uncertainty.shape))
            elif isinstance(hdu, fits.ImageHDU) and nm.lower() == "std.":
                rec_uncertainty =
                if nest != hdu.header["ORDERING"].lower().startswith("nest"):
                    raise ValueError("ordering mismatch")
                if rec_uncertainty.shape[-1] != 12 * nside**2:
                    ve = "incompatible shape of dust density uncertainty {!r}"
                    raise ValueError(ve.format(rec_uncertainty.shape))
                raise ValueError("unrecognized HDU\n{!r}".format(hdu.header))

    return DustSphere(

def _interp_hpxr2lbd(data, radii, nside, nest, lon, lat, dist):
    """Interpolate a 3D map of HEALPix times radii to arbitrary longitude,
    latitude, distance positions."""
    from healpy.pixelfunc import get_interp_weights

    assert lon.shape == lat.shape == dist.shape
    final_shape = data.shape[:-2] + lon.shape
    lon, lat, dist = lon.ravel(), lat.ravel(), dist.ravel()

    idx_pos, wgt_pos = get_interp_weights(
        nside, lon, lat, nest=nest, lonlat=True
    idx_r = np.searchsorted(radii, dist)
    idx_l = idx_r - 1
    mask = (idx_l < 0) | (idx_r >= radii.size)
    idx_l, idx_r = idx_l.clip(0, radii.size - 1), idx_r.clip(0, radii.size - 1)
    wgt_los = np.abs(np.stack((radii[idx_r] - dist, radii[idx_l] - dist)))
    wgt_los /= wgt_los.sum(axis=0)

    assert wgt_pos.ndim == 2
    data = data[...,
                np.stack((idx_l, idx_r))[:, np.newaxis],
                np.stack((idx_pos, ) * 2)]
    # Manual POS and LOS interpolation
    data = (data * wgt_pos).sum(axis=-wgt_pos.ndim)
    data = (data * wgt_los).sum(axis=-wgt_los.ndim)
    return np.where(mask, np.nan, data).reshape(final_shape)

[docs]class Edenhofer2023Query(DustMap): """ A class for querying the Edenhofer et al. (2023) 3D dust map. The map is in units of E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023) per parsec but can be translated to an extinction at any given wavelength by using the extinction curve published at . For further details on the map, see the original paper. If you use this map in your work, please cite Edenhofer et al. (2023). The data is deposited at """
[docs] def __init__( self, map_fname=None, load_samples=False, integrated=False, flavor='main', seed=None, ): """ Args: map_fname (Optional[str]): Filename of the map. Defaults to :obj:`None`, meaning that the default location is used. load_samples (Optional[bool]): Whether to load the posterior samples of the extinction density. The samples give more accurate interpolation resoluts and are required for standard deviations of integrated extinctions. Defaults to :obj:`False`. integrated (Optional[bool]): Whether to return integrated extinction density. In this case, the units of the map are E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023). The pre-processing for efficient access to the integrated extinction map can take a couple of minutes but subsequent queries will be fast. Defaults to :obj:`False`. flavor (Optional[str]): Flavor of the map to use. Must be in ('main', 'less_data_but_2kpc'). seed (Optional[int]): A random seed, used when drawing random samples from the map. Set this seed in order to make the pseudo-random draws reproducible. """ if not load_samples in (True, False): raise TypeError("`load_samples` must be bool") if not isinstance(flavor, str): raise TypeError("`flavor` must be str") if map_fname is None: if flavor.lower() == 'main': if load_samples is False: fn = 'mean_and_std_healpix.fits' else: fn = 'samples_healpix.fits' elif flavor.lower() == 'less_data_but_2kpc': if load_samples is False: fn = 'validation_with_less_data_but_2kpc_mean_and_std_healpix.fits' else: fn = 'validation_with_less_data_but_2kpc_samples_healpix.fits' else: raise ValueError("unrecognized flavor {!r}".format(flavor)) map_fname = os.path.join(data_dir(), DATA_DIR_SUBDIR, fn) self._flavor = flavor self._rec = _get_sphere(map_fname) self._has_samples = ( == 3) if not self._has_samples and load_samples: raise ValueError("failed to load samples") if map_fname is None and self._rec.data0 is None: ve = "default map should have zeroth integrated layer but it doesn't" raise ValueError(ve) self._allowed_modes = ("mean",) # Replace the data in-place with its log respectively square because the # interpolation is done in log- respectively squared-space. if integrated is True: dvol = np.diff(self._rec.coo_bounds) np.multiply(dvol[:, np.newaxis],, if self._rec.data0 is not None:[..., 0, :] += self._rec.data0 msg = "Integrating extinction map (this might take a couple of minutes)..." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) np.cumsum(, axis=-2, msg = "Optimizing map for querying (this might take a couple of seconds)..." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) np.log(, if self._has_samples: self._allowed_modes += ("std", "samples", "random_sample") elif integrated is False: msg = "Optimizing map for querying (this might take a couple of seconds)..." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) np.log(, if self._rec.data_uncertainty is not None: np.square( self._rec.data_uncertainty, out=self._rec.data_uncertainty ) self._allowed_modes += ("std",) if self._has_samples: self._allowed_modes += ("samples", "random_sample") else: te = "`integrated` must be bool; got {}".format(integrated) raise TypeError(te) self._integrated = integrated # If samples are loaded, initialize random number generator self._rng = None if self._has_samples: self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
[docs] @ensure_flat_galactic def query(self, coords, mode="mean"): """ Returns the 3D dust extinction density or integrated extinction (depending on how the class was initialized) from Edenhofer et al. (2023) at the given coordinates. The map is in units of E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023) per parsec or if integrated simply in units of E. Args: coords (:obj:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`): Coordinates at which to query the extinction. Must be 3D (i.e., include distance information). mode (str): Which mode to return. Allowed values are 'mean' (for the mean), 'std' (for the standard deviation), 'samples' (for all posterior samples), or 'random_sample' (for a single sample). Defaults to 'mean'. Notes: To query integrated extinction, set `integrated=True` during initizalization. Returns: Depending on how the class was initialized, either extinction density or extinction are returned. The output is either a numpy array or float, with the same shape as the input :obj:`coords`. """ if not isinstance(mode, str): te = "`mode` must be str; got {}".format(type(mode)) raise TypeError(te) mode = mode.strip().lower() if mode not in ("mean", "std", "samples", "random_sample"): ve = ( "`mode` must be 'mean', 'std', 'samples', or 'random_sample'" "; got {!r}" ) raise ValueError(ve.format(mode)) if mode not in self._allowed_modes: ve = "`mode={!r}` requires samples but none are available" raise ValueError(ve.format(mode)) interp = partial( _interp_hpxr2lbd, radii=self._rec.radii, nside=self._rec.nside, nest=self._rec.nest, lon=coords.galactic.l.deg, lat=coords.galactic.b.deg,"pc").value ) if self._has_samples: if mode == "random_sample": # Same sample for all coordinates samp_idx = self._rng.choice(self.n_samples) res = interp([samp_idx]) else: res = interp( res = np.exp(res, out=res) if mode == "mean": res = res.mean(axis=0) elif mode == "std": res = res.std(axis=0) elif mode == "random_sample": pass # No sample-axis reduction necessary else: assert mode == "samples" # Swap sample and coordinate axes to be consistent with other # 3D dust maps. The output shape will be (..., sample). res = np.swapaxes(res, 0, -1) else: if mode == "mean": res = interp( res = np.exp(res, out=res) else: assert mode == "std" res = interp(self._rec.data_uncertainty) res = np.sqrt(res, out=res) return res
@property def distance_bounds(self): """ Returns the distance bin edges that the map uses. The return type is :obj:`astropy.units.Quantity`, which stores unit-full quantities. """ return self._rec.coo_bounds * units.pc @property def distances(self): """ Returns the distance bin centers that the map uses. The return type is :obj:`astropy.units.Quantity`, which stores unit-full quantities. """ return self._rec.radii * units.pc @property def integrated(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the map contains integrated extinction, or ``False`` if it contains extinction density. """ return self._integrated @property def n_samples(self): """ Returns the number of samples stored in the map. If no samples have been loaded, then ``None`` is returned. """ if self._has_samples: return[0] else: return None @property def flavor(self): """ Returns the flavor of the map. This is a string that is either ``"main"`` or ``"less_data_but_2kpc"``. """ return self._flavor
[docs]def fetch(clobber=False, fetch_samples=False, fetch_2kpc=False): """ Downloads the 3D dust map of Edenhofer et al. (2023). Args: clobber (Optional[bool]): If ``True``, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If ``False`` (the default), ``fetch()`` will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100\% robust against data corruption. fetch_samples (Optional[bool]): If ``True``, the samples will also be downloaded. If ``False`` (the default), only the mean and standard deviation will be downloaded taking up about 3.2 GB in size while the samples take up 19 GB. fetch_2kpc (Optional[bool]): If ``True``, the validation run using less data though which extends out to 2kpc in distance will also be downloaded. """ dest_dir = os.path.join(data_dir(), DATA_DIR_SUBDIR) file_spec = [ ('mean_and_std_healpix.fits', '10c823a5fcf81b47b6e15530bcdf54dc') ] if fetch_2kpc: file_spec += [ ( 'validation_with_less_data_but_2kpc_mean_and_std_healpix.fits', '0826b2f4cdfccad69bdc5e2d85bb4c54' ) ] if fetch_samples: file_spec += [ ('samples_healpix.fits', 'aa0aa435e013784fe18a5cb24e379b05') ] if fetch_2kpc: file_spec += [ ( 'validation_with_less_data_but_2kpc_samples_healpix.fits', '1ef8ca17a68e724d21c357554951959c' ) ] for fn, md5sum in file_spec: fname = os.path.join(dest_dir, fn) # Download from the server url = '{}'.format(fn) fetch_utils.download_and_verify(url, md5sum, fname, clobber=clobber)