dustmap modules

bayestar (Green et al. 2015, 2018)

class dustmaps.bayestar.BayestarQuery(map_fname=None, max_samples=None, version='bayestar2019')[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

Queries the Bayestar 3D dust maps (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2015, 2018). The maps cover the Pan-STARRS 1 footprint (dec > -30 deg) amounting to three-quarters of the sky.

__init__(map_fname=None, max_samples=None, version='bayestar2019')[source]
  • map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the Bayestar map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
  • max_samples (Optional[int]) – Maximum number of samples of the map to load. Use a lower number in order to decrease memory usage. Defaults to None, meaning that all samples will be loaded.
  • version (Optional[str]) – The map version to download. Valid versions are 'bayestar2019' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2019), 'bayestar2017' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2018) and 'bayestar2015' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2015). Defaults to 'bayestar2015'.

Returns the distance bin edges that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, which stores unit-full quantities.


Returns the distance modulus bin edges that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, with units of mags.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns reddening at the requested coordinates. There are several different query modes, which handle the probabilistic nature of the map differently.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • mode (Optional[str]) – Seven different query modes are available: ‘random_sample’, ‘random_sample_per_pix’ ‘samples’, ‘median’, ‘mean’, ‘best’ and ‘percentile’. The mode determines how the output will reflect the probabilistic nature of the Bayestar dust maps.
  • return_flags (Optional[bool]) – If True, then QA flags will be returned in a second numpy structured array. That is, the query will return ret, :obj:’flags`, where ret is the normal return value, containing reddening. Defaults to False.
  • pct (Optional[float or list/array of float]) – If the mode is percentile, then pct specifies which percentile(s) is (are) returned.

Reddening at the specified coordinates, in magnitudes of reddening.

The conversion to E(B-V) (or other reddening units) depends on whether version='bayestar2019' (the default), 'bayestar2017' or 'bayestar2015' was selected when the BayestarQuery object was created. To convert Bayestar2019 to Pan-STARRS 1 extinctions, multiply by the coefficients given in Table 1 of Green et al. (2019). For Bayestar2017, use the coefficients given in Table 1 of Green et al. (2018). Conversion to extinction in non-PS1 passbands depends on the choice of extinction law. To convert Bayestar2015 to extinction in various passbands, multiply by the coefficients in Table 6 of Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011). See Green et al. (2015, 2018) for more detailed discussion of how to convert the Bayestar dust maps into reddenings or extinctions in different passbands.

The shape of the output depends on the mode, and on whether coords contains distances.

If coords does not specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape. If coords does specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape + ([number of distance bins],).

If mode is 'random_sample', then at each coordinate/distance, a random sample of reddening is given.

If mode is 'random_sample_per_pix', then the sample chosen for each angular pixel of the map will be consistent. For example, if two query coordinates lie in the same map pixel, then the same random sample will be chosen from the map for both query coordinates.

If mode is 'median', then at each coordinate/distance, the median reddening is returned.

If mode is 'mean', then at each coordinate/distance, the mean reddening is returned.

If mode is 'best', then at each coordinate/distance, the maximum posterior density reddening is returned (the “best fit”).

If mode is 'percentile', then an additional keyword argument, pct, must be specified. At each coordinate/distance, the requested percentiles (in pct) will be returned. If pct is a list/array, then the last axis of the output will correspond to different percentiles.

Finally, if mode is 'samples', then at each coordinate/distance, all samples are returned. The last axis of the output will correspond to different samples.

If return_flags is True, then in addition to reddening, a structured array containing QA flags will be returned. If the input coordinates include distances, the QA flags will be "converged" (whether or not the line-of-sight fit converged in a given pixel) and "reliable_dist" (whether or not the requested distance is within the range considered reliable, based on the inferred stellar distances). If the input coordinates do not include distances, then instead of "reliable_dist", the flags will include "min_reliable_distmod" and "max_reliable_distmod", the minimum and maximum reliable distance moduli in the given pixel.

class dustmaps.bayestar.BayestarWebQuery(api_url=None, version='bayestar2019')[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.WebDustMap

Remote query over the web for the Bayestar 3D dust maps (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2015, 2018, 2019). The maps cover the Pan-STARRS 1 footprint (dec > -30 deg) amounting to three-quarters of the sky.

This query object does not require a local version of the data, but rather an internet connection to contact the web API. The query functions have the same inputs and outputs as their counterparts in BayestarQuery.

__init__(api_url=None, version='bayestar2019')[source]
Parameters:version (Optional[str]) – The map version to download. Valid versions are 'bayestar2019' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2019), 'bayestar2017' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2018) and 'bayestar2015' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2015). Defaults to 'bayestar2019'.

Downloads the specified version of the Bayestar dust map.


version (Optional[str]) – The map version to download. Valid versions are 'bayestar2019' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2019), 'bayestar2017' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2018) and 'bayestar2015' (Green, Schlafly, Finkbeiner et al. 2015). Defaults to 'bayestar2019'.

  • ValueError – The requested version of the map does not exist.
  • DownloadError – Either no matching file was found under the given DOI, or the MD5 sum of the file was not as expected.
  • requests.exceptions.HTTPError – The given DOI does not exist, or there was a problem connecting to the Dataverse.
dustmaps.bayestar.lb2pix(nside, l, b, nest=True)[source]

Converts Galactic (l, b) to HEALPix pixel index.

  • nside (int) – The HEALPix nside parameter.
  • l (float, or array of float) – Galactic longitude, in degrees.
  • b (float, or array of float) – Galactic latitude, in degrees.
  • nest (Optional[bool]) – If True (the default), nested pixel ordering will be used. If False, ring ordering will be used.

The HEALPix pixel index or indices. Has the same shape as the input l and b.

bh (Burstein & Heiles 1982)

class dustmaps.bh.BHQuery(bh_dir=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

Queries the Burstein & Heiles (1982) reddening map.

Parameters:bh_dir (Optional[str]) – The directory containing the Burstein & Heiles dust map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default directory is used.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns E(B-V) at the specified location(s) on the sky.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
Returns:A float array of reddening, in units of E(B-V), at the given coordinates. The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by coords.

Convert the Burstein & Heiles (1982) dust map from ASCII to HDF5.

chen2014 (Chen et al. 2014)

class dustmaps.chen2014.Chen2014Query(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.unstructured_map.UnstructuredDustMap

The 3D dust map of Chen et al. (2014), based on stellar photometry from the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anticentre. The map covers 140 deg < l < 240 deg, -60 deg < b < 40 deg.

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename at which the map is stored. Defaults to None, meaning that the default filename is used.

Returns the distance bins that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, which stores unit-full quantities.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns r-band extinction, A_r, at the given coordinates. Can also return uncertainties.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • return_sigma (Optional[bool]) – If True, returns the uncertainty in extinction as well. Defaults to False.

Extinction in the r-band at the specified coordinates, in mags. The shape of the output depends on whether coords contains distances.

If coords does not specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape. If coords does specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape + ([number of distance bins],).

dustmaps.chen2014.ascii2h5(dat_fname, h5_fname)[source]

Converts from the original ASCII format of the Chen+ (2014) 3D dust map to the HDF5 format.

  • dat_fname (str) – Filename of the original ASCII .dat file.
  • h5_fname (str) – Output filename to write the resulting HDF5 file to.

Downloads the Chen et al. (2014) dust map.

Parameters:clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.

gaia_tge (Delchambre et al. 2022)

class dustmaps.gaia_tge.GaiaTGEQuery(map_fname=None, healpix_level='optimum')[source]

Bases: dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixQuery

Queries the Gaia Total Galactic Extinction (Delchambre 2022) dust map, which contains estimates of monochromatic extinction, A0, in mags.

__init__(map_fname=None, healpix_level='optimum')[source]
  • map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the Gaia TGE map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
  • healpix_level (Optional[int or str]) – Which HEALPix level to load into the map. If “optimum” (the default), loads the optimum HEALPix level available at each location. If an int, instead loads the specified HEALPix level.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a numpy array containing A0 at the specified location(s) on the sky. Optionally, returns a 2nd array containing flags at the same location(s).

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • return_flags (Optional[bool]) – If True, returns a 2nd array containing flags at each coordinate. Defaults to False.

A numpy array containing A0 at the specified coordinates. The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input coordinate array, coords. If return_flags is True, a 2nd record array containing flags at each coordinate is also returned.


Downloads the Gaia Total Galactic Extinction (TGE) dust maps, placing it in the default dustmaps directory.

iphas (Sale et al. 2014)

class dustmaps.iphas.IPHASQuery(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.unstructured_map.UnstructuredDustMap

The 3D dust map of Sale et al. (2014), based on IPHAS imaging in the Galactic plane. The map covers 30 deg < l < 115 deg, -5 deg < b < 5 deg.

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename at which the map is stored. Defaults to None, meaning that the default filename is used.

Returns the distance bins that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, which stores unit-full quantities.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns A0 at the given coordinates. There are several different query modes, which handle the probabilistic nature of the map differently.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • mode (Optional[str]) – Five different query modes are available: 'random_sample', 'random_sample_per_pix', 'samples', 'median' and 'mean'. The mode determines how the output will reflect the probabilistic nature of the IPHAS dust map.

Monochromatic extinction, A0, at the specified coordinates, in mags. The shape of the output depends on the mode, and on whether coords contains distances.

If coords does not specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape. If coords does specify distance(s), then the shape of the output begins with coords.shape + ([number of distance bins],).

If mode is 'random_sample', then at each coordinate/distance, a random sample of reddening is given.

If mode is 'random_sample_per_pix', then the sample chosen for each angular pixel of the map will be consistent. For example, if two query coordinates lie in the same map pixel, then the same random sample will be chosen from the map for both query coordinates.

If mode is 'median', then at each coordinate/distance, the median reddening is returned.

If mode is 'mean', then at each coordinate/distance, the mean reddening is returned.

Finally, if mode is 'samples', then all at each coordinate/distance, all samples are returned.

dustmaps.iphas.ascii2h5(dirname, output_fname)[source]

Converts from a directory of tarballed ASCII “.samp” files to a single HDF5 file. Essentially, converts from the original release format to a single HDF5 file.


Downloads the IPHAS 3D dust map of Sale et al. (2014).

Parameters:clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.

leike_ensslin_2019 (Leike & Enßlin 2019)

class dustmaps.leike_ensslin_2019.LeikeEnsslin2019Query(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

A class for querying the Leike & Ensslin (2019) dust map.

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the extinction density (in e-foldings / kpc, in Gaia G-band) at the given coordinates.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – Coordinates at which to query the extinction. Must be 3D (i.e., include distance information).
  • component (str) – Which component to return. Allowable values are ‘mean’ (for the mean extinction density) and ‘std’ (for the standard deviation of extinction density). Defaults to ‘mean’.

The extinction density, in units of e-foldings / pc, as either a numpy array or float, with the same shape as the input coords.


Downloads the 3D dust map of Leike & Ensslin (2019).

Parameters:clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.

leike2020 (Leike, Glatzle & Enßlin 2020)

class dustmaps.leike2020.Leike2020Query(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

A class for querying the Leike, Glatzle & Ensslin (2020) dust map.

For details on how to use this map, see the original paper: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020A%26A…639A.138L/abstract.

The data is deposited at Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3993082.

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the extinction density (in e-foldings / kpc, in Gaia G-band) at the given coordinates.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – Coordinates at which to query the extinction. Must be 3D (i.e., include distance information).
  • component (str) – Which component to return. Allowable values are ‘mean’ (for the mean extinction density) and ‘std’ (for the standard deviation of extinction density). Defaults to ‘mean’.

The extinction density, in units of e-foldings / pc, as either a numpy array or float, with the same shape as the input coords.

dustmaps.leike2020.fetch(clobber=False, fetch_samples=False)[source]

Downloads the 3D dust map of Leike & Ensslin (2020).

  • clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.
  • fetch_samples (Optional[bool]) – If True, the samples will also be downloaded. If False (the default), only the mean and standard deviation will be downloaded. The samples take up 14 GB, which is why the default is not to download them.

edenhofer2023 (Edenhofer et al. 2023)

class dustmaps.edenhofer2023.DustSphere(data, nside, nest, radii, coo_bounds, radii0, data0, units, data_uncertainty, data0_uncertainty)

Bases: tuple


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.


Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling

static __new__(_cls, data, nside, nest, radii, coo_bounds, radii0, data0, units, data_uncertainty, data0_uncertainty)

Create new instance of DustSphere(data, nside, nest, radii, coo_bounds, radii0, data0, units, data_uncertainty, data0_uncertainty)


Return a nicely formatted representation string


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 6


Alias for field number 9


Alias for field number 8


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 7

class dustmaps.edenhofer2023.Edenhofer2023Query(map_fname=None, load_samples=False, integrated=False, flavor='main', seed=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

A class for querying the Edenhofer et al. (2023) 3D dust map.

The map is in units of E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023) per parsec but can be translated to an extinction at any given wavelength by using the extinction curve published at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6674521 . For further details on the map, see the original paper.

If you use this map in your work, please cite Edenhofer et al. (2023).

The data is deposited at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8187943.

__init__(map_fname=None, load_samples=False, integrated=False, flavor='main', seed=None)[source]
  • map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
  • load_samples (Optional[bool]) – Whether to load the posterior samples of the extinction density. The samples give more accurate interpolation resoluts and are required for standard deviations of integrated extinctions. Defaults to False.
  • integrated (Optional[bool]) – Whether to return integrated extinction density. In this case, the units of the map are E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023). The pre-processing for efficient access to the integrated extinction map can take a couple of minutes but subsequent queries will be fast. Defaults to False.
  • flavor (Optional[str]) – Flavor of the map to use. Must be in (‘main’, ‘less_data_but_2kpc’).
  • seed (Optional[int]) – A random seed, used when drawing random samples from the map. Set this seed in order to make the pseudo-random draws reproducible.

Returns the distance bin edges that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, which stores unit-full quantities.


Returns the distance bin centers that the map uses. The return type is astropy.units.Quantity, which stores unit-full quantities.


Returns the flavor of the map. This is a string that is either "main" or "less_data_but_2kpc".


Returns True if the map contains integrated extinction, or False if it contains extinction density.


Returns the number of samples stored in the map. If no samples have been loaded, then None is returned.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the 3D dust extinction density or integrated extinction (depending on how the class was initialized) from Edenhofer et al. (2023) at the given coordinates. The map is in units of E of Zhang, Green, and Rix (2023) per parsec or if integrated simply in units of E.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – Coordinates at which to query the extinction. Must be 3D (i.e., include distance information).
  • mode (str) – Which mode to return. Allowed values are ‘mean’ (for the mean), ‘std’ (for the standard deviation), ‘samples’ (for all posterior samples), or ‘random_sample’ (for a single sample). Defaults to ‘mean’.


To query integrated extinction, set integrated=True during initizalization.

Returns:Depending on how the class was initialized, either extinction density or extinction are returned. The output is either a numpy array or float, with the same shape as the input coords.
dustmaps.edenhofer2023.fetch(clobber=False, fetch_samples=False, fetch_2kpc=False)[source]

Downloads the 3D dust map of Edenhofer et al. (2023).

  • clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.
  • fetch_samples (Optional[bool]) – If True, the samples will also be downloaded. If False (the default), only the mean and standard deviation will be downloaded taking up about 3.2 GB in size while the samples take up 19 GB.
  • fetch_2kpc (Optional[bool]) – If True, the validation run using less data though which extends out to 2kpc in distance will also be downloaded.

lenz2017 (Lenz, Hensley & Doré 2017)

class dustmaps.lenz2017.Lenz2017Query(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixFITSQuery

Queries the Lenz, Hensley & Doré (2017) dust map: http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.00011

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename for the Lenz map. Defaults to None, meaning that the default location is used.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns E(B-V), in mags, at the specified location(s) on the sky.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
Returns:A float array of the reddening, in magnitudes of E(B-V), at the selected coordinates.

Downloads the Lenz, Hensley & Doré (2017) dust map, placing it in the default dustmaps data directory.

marshall (Marshall et al. 2006)

class dustmaps.marshall.MarshallQuery(map_fname=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

Galactic-plane 3D dust map of Marshall et al. (2006), based on 2MASS photometry.

Parameters:map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename at which the map is stored. Defaults to None, meaning that the default filename is used.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns 2MASS Ks-band extinction at the given coordinates.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query. Must contain distances.
  • return_sigma (Optional[bool]) – If True, returns the uncertainty in extinction as well. Defaults to False.

Extinction at the specified coordinates, in mags of 2MASS Ks-band extinction. If return_sigma is True, then the uncertainty in reddening is also returned, so that the output is (A, sigma_A), where both A and sigma_A have the same shape as the input coordinates.


Convert the Marshall et al. (2006) map from *.dat.gz to *.hdf5.


Downloads the Marshall et al. (2006) dust map, which is based on 2MASS stellar photometry.

Parameters:clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If False (the default), fetch() will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100% robust against data corruption.

pg2010 (Peek & Graves 2010)

class dustmaps.pg2010.PG2010Query(map_dir=None, component='dust')[source]

Bases: dustmaps.sfd.SFDBase

Queries the Peek & Graves (2010) correction to the SFD’98 dust reddening map.

__init__(map_dir=None, component='dust')[source]
  • map_dir (Optional[str]) – The directory containing the SFD map. Defaults to None, which means that dustmaps will look in its default data directory.
  • component (Optional[str]) – 'dust' (the default) to load the correction to E(B-V), or 'err' to load the uncertainty in the correction.
query(coords, order=1)[source]

Returns the P&G (2010) correction to the SFD’98 E(B-V) at the specified location(s) on the sky. If component is ‘err’, then return the uncertainty in the correction.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • order (Optional[int]) – Interpolation order to use. Defaults to 1, for linear interpolation.

A float array containing the P&G (2010) correction (or its uncertainty) to SFD’98 at every input coordinate. The shape of the output will be the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by coords.


Downloads the Peek & Graves (2010) dust map, placing it in the data directory for dustmap.

planck (Planck Collaboration 2013, 2016)

class dustmaps.planck.PlanckGNILCQuery(map_fname=None, load_errors=False)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixFITSQuery

Queries the Planck Collaboration (2016) GNILC dust map.

__init__(map_fname=None, load_errors=False)[source]
  • map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the Planck map. Defaults to `None, meaning that the default location is used.
  • load_errors (Optional[str]) – If True, then the error estimates will be loaded as well, and returned with any query. If False (the default), then queries will only return the the reddening estimate, without any error estimate.

Returns True if the error estimates have been loaded.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns E(B-V) at the specified location(s) on the sky.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
Returns:If the error estimates have been loaded, then a structured array containing 'EBV' and 'EBV_err' is returned. Otherwise, returns a float array of E(B-V), at the given coordinates. The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input coordinate array, coords.
class dustmaps.planck.PlanckQuery(map_fname=None, component='extragalactic')[source]

Bases: dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixFITSQuery

Queries the Planck Collaboration (2013) dust map.

__init__(map_fname=None, component='extragalactic')[source]
  • map_fname (Optional[str]) – Filename of the Planck map. Defaults to `None, meaning that the default location is used.
  • component (Optional[str]) – Which measure of reddening to use. There are seven valid components. Three denote reddening measures: 'extragalactic', 'tau' and 'radiance'. Four refer to dust properties: 'temperature', 'beta', 'err_temp' and 'err_beta'. Defaults to 'extragalactic'.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns E(B-V) (or a different Planck dust inference, depending on how the class was intialized) at the specified location(s) on the sky.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
Returns:A float array of the selected Planck component, at the given coordinates. The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input coordinate array, coords. If extragalactic E(B-V), tau_353 or radiance was chosen, then the output has units of magnitudes of E(B-V). If the selected Planck component is temperature (or temperature error), then an astropy.Quantity is returned, with units of Kelvin. If beta (or beta error) was chosen, then the output is unitless.

Downloads the Planck dust maps, placing them in the default dustmaps directory. There are two different Planck dust maps that can be downloaded: the Planck Collaboration (2013) map and the “GNILC” (Planck Collaboration 2016) map.

Parameters:which (Optional[str]) – The name of the dust map to download. Should be either 2013 (the default) or GNILC.

sfd (Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis 1998)

class dustmaps.sfd.SFDBase(base_fname)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

Queries maps stored in the same format as Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998).

Parameters:base_fname (str) – The map should be stored in two FITS files, named base_fname + '_' + X + '.fits', where X is 'ngp' and 'sgp'.
query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the map value at the specified location(s) on the sky.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • order (Optional[int]) – Interpolation order to use. Defaults to 1, for linear interpolation.

A float array containing the map value at every input coordinate. The shape of the output will be the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by coords.

class dustmaps.sfd.SFDQuery(map_dir=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.sfd.SFDBase

Queries the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) dust reddening map.

Parameters:map_dir (Optional[str]) – The directory containing the SFD map. Defaults to None, which means that dustmaps will look in its default data directory.
query(coords, order=1)[source]

Returns E(B-V) at the specified location(s) on the sky. See Table 6 of Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) for instructions on how to convert this quantity to extinction in various passbands.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • order (Optional[int]) – Interpolation order to use. Defaults to 1, for linear interpolation.

A float array containing the SFD E(B-V) at every input coordinate. The shape of the output will be the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by coords.

class dustmaps.sfd.SFDWebQuery(api_url=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.WebDustMap

Remote query over the web for the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) dust map.

This query object does not require a local version of the data, but rather an internet connection to contact the web API. The query functions have the same inputs and outputs as their counterparts in SFDQuery.


Initialize the WebDustMap object.

  • api_url (Optional[str]) – The base URL for the API. Defaults to 'http://argonaut.skymaps.info/api/v2/'.
  • map_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the dust map to query. For example, the Green et al. (2015) dust map is hosted at http://argonaut.skymaps.info/api/v2/bayestar2015, so the correct specifier for that map is map_name='bayestar2015'.

Downloads the Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) dust map, placing it in the data directory for dustmap.


exception dustmaps.fetch_utils.DownloadError[source]

Bases: dustmaps.fetch_utils.Error

An exception that occurs while trying to download a file.

exception dustmaps.fetch_utils.Error[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

dustmaps.fetch_utils.check_md5sum(fname, md5sum, chunk_size=1024)[source]

Checks that a file exists, and has the correct MD5 checksum.

  • fname (str) – The filename of the file.
  • md5sum (str) – The expected MD5 sum.
  • chunk_size (Optional[int]) – Process in chunks of this size (in Bytes). Defaults to 1024.
dustmaps.fetch_utils.dataverse_download_doi(doi, local_fname=None, file_requirements={}, clobber=False)[source]

Downloads a file from the Dataverse, using a DOI and set of metadata parameters to locate the file.

  • doi (str) – Digital Object Identifier (DOI) containing the file.
  • local_fname (Optional[str]) – Local filename to download the file to. If None, then use the filename provided by the Dataverse. Defaults to None.
  • file_requirements (Optional[dict]) – Select the file containing the given metadata entries. If multiple files meet these requirements, only the first in downloaded. Defaults to {}, corresponding to no requirements.
  • DownloadError – Either no matching file was found under the given DOI, or the MD5 sum of the file was not as expected.
  • requests.exceptions.HTTPError – The given DOI does not exist, or there was a problem connecting to the Dataverse.

Fetches metadata pertaining to a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the Harvard Dataverse.

Parameters:doi (str) – The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the entry in the Dataverse.
Raises:requests.exceptions.HTTPError – The given DOI does not exist, or there was a problem connecting to the Dataverse.
dustmaps.fetch_utils.download(url, fname=None)[source]

Downloads a file.

  • url (str) – The URL to download.
  • fname (Optional[str]) – The filename to store the downloaded file in. If None, take the filename from the URL. Defaults to None.

The filename the URL was downloaded to.


requests.exceptions.HTTPError – There was a problem connecting to the URL.

dustmaps.fetch_utils.download_and_verify(url, md5sum, fname=None, chunk_size=1024, clobber=False, verbose=True)[source]

Downloads a file and verifies the MD5 sum.

  • url (str) – The URL to download.
  • md5sum (str) – The expected MD5 sum.
  • fname (Optional[str]) – The filename to store the downloaded file in. If None, infer the filename from the URL. Defaults to None.
  • chunk_size (Optional[int]) – Process in chunks of this size (in Bytes). Defaults to 1024.
  • clobber (Optional[bool]) – If True, any existing, identical file will be overwritten. If False, the MD5 sum of any existing file with the destination filename will be checked. If the MD5 sum does not match, the existing file will be overwritten. Defaults to False.
  • verbose (Optional[bool]) – If True (the default), then a progress bar will be shownd during downloads.

The filename the URL was downloaded to.

  • DownloadError – The MD5 sum of the downloaded file does not match md5sum.
  • requests.exceptions.HTTPError – There was a problem connecting to the URL.
dustmaps.fetch_utils.get_md5sum(fname, chunk_size=1024)[source]

Returns the MD5 checksum of a file.

  • fname (str) – Filename
  • chunk_size (Optional[int]) – Size (in Bytes) of the chunks that should be read in at once. Increasing chunk size reduces the number of reads required, but increases the memory usage. Defaults to 1024.

The MD5 checksum of the file, which is a string.

dustmaps.fetch_utils.h5_file_exists(fname, size_guess=None, rtol=0.1, atol=1.0, dsets={})[source]

Returns True if an HDF5 file exists, has the expected file size, and contains (at least) the given datasets, with the correct shapes.

  • fname (str) – Filename to check.
  • size_guess (Optional[int]) – Expected size (in Bytes) of the file. If None (the default), then filesize is not checked.
  • rtol (Optional[float]) – Relative tolerance for filesize.
  • atol (Optional[float]) – Absolute tolerance (in Bytes) for filesize.
  • dsets (Optional[dict]) – Dictionary specifying expected datasets. Each key is the name of a dataset, while each value is the expected shape of the dataset. Defaults to {}, meaning that no datasets are checked.

True if the file matches by all given criteria.


class dustmaps.map_base.DustMap[source]

Bases: object

Base class for querying dust maps. For each individual dust map, a different subclass should be written, implementing the query() function.

__call__(coords, **kwargs)[source]

An alias for DustMap.query.

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

Query the map at a set of coordinates.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates at which to query the map.
Raises:NotImplementedError – This function must be defined by derived classes.
query_equ(ra, dec, d=None, frame='icrs', **kwargs)[source]

Query using Equatorial coordinates. By default, the ICRS frame is used, although other frames implemented by astropy.coordinates may also be specified.

  • ra (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic longitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • dec (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic latitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • d (Optional[float, scalar or array-like]) – Distance from the Solar System, in kpc, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity. Defaults to None, meaning no distance is specified.
  • frame (Optional[icrs]) – The coordinate system. Can be 'icrs' (the default), 'fk5', 'fk4' or 'fk4noeterms'.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments accepted by derived classes.

The results of the query, which must be implemented by derived classes.

query_gal(l, b, d=None, **kwargs)[source]

Query using Galactic coordinates.

  • l (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic longitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • b (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic latitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • d (Optional[float, scalar or array-like]) – Distance from the Solar System, in kpc, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity. Defaults to None, meaning no distance is specified.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments accepted by derived classes.

The results of the query, which must be implemented by derived classes.

class dustmaps.map_base.WebDustMap(api_url=None, map_name='')[source]

Bases: object

Base class for querying dust maps through a web API. For each individual dust map, a different subclass should be written, specifying the base URL.

__call__(coords, **kwargs)[source]

An alias for WebDustMap.query().

query(coords, **kwargs)[source]

A web API version of DustMap.query. See the documentation for the corresponding local query object.

Parameters:coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates at which to query the map.
query_equ(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A web API version of DustMap.query_equ(). See the documentation for the corresponding local query object. Queries using Equatorial coordinates. By default, the ICRS frame is used, although other frames implemented by astropy.coordinates may also be specified.

  • ra (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic longitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • dec (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic latitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • d (Optional[float, scalar or array-like]) – Distance from the Solar System, in kpc, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity. Defaults to None, meaning no distance is specified.
  • frame (Optional[icrs]) – The coordinate system. Can be ‘icrs’ (the default), ‘fk5’, ‘fk4’ or ‘fk4noeterms’.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments accepted by derived classes.

The results of the query.

query_gal(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A web API version of DustMap.query_gal(). See the documentation for the corresponding local query object. Queries using Galactic coordinates.

  • l (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic longitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • b (float, scalar or array-like) – Galactic latitude, in degrees, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity.
  • d (Optional[float, scalar or array-like]) – Distance from the Solar System, in kpc, or as an astropy.unit.Quantity. Defaults to None, meaning no distance is specified.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments accepted by derived classes.

The results of the query.

dustmaps.map_base.coord2healpix(coords, frame, nside, nest=True)[source]

Calculate HEALPix indices from an astropy SkyCoord. Assume the HEALPix system is defined on the coordinate frame frame.

  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The input coordinates.
  • frame (str) – The frame in which the HEALPix system is defined.
  • nside (int) – The HEALPix nside parameter to use. Must be a power of 2.
  • nest (Optional[bool]) – True (the default) if nested HEALPix ordering is desired. False for ring ordering.

An array of pixel indices (integers), with the same shape as the input SkyCoord coordinates (coords.shape).


dustexceptions.CoordFrameError – If the specified frame is not supported.


A decorator for class methods of the form

Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs)

where coords is an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object.

The decorator raises a TypeError if the coords that gets passed to Class.method is not an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord instance.

Parameters:f (class method) – A function with the signature (self, coords, **kwargs), where coords is a SkyCoord object containing an array.
Returns:A function that raises a TypeError if coords is not an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object, but which otherwise behaves the same as the decorated function.

A decorator for class methods of the form

Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs)

where coords is an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object.

The decorator ensures that the coords that gets passed to Class.method is a flat array. It also reshapes the output of Class.method to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input coords. If the output of Class.method is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead.

Parameters:f (class method) – A function with the signature (self, coords, **kwargs), where coords is a SkyCoord object containing an array.
Returns:A function that takes SkyCoord input with any shape (including scalar).

A decorator for class methods of the form

Class.method(self, coords, **kwargs)

where coords is an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object.

The decorator ensures that the coords that gets passed to Class.method is a flat array of Galactic coordinates. It also reshapes the output of Class.method to have the same shape (possibly scalar) as the input coords. If the output of Class.method is a tuple or list (instead of an array), each element in the output is reshaped instead.

Parameters:f (class method) – A function with the signature (self, coords, **kwargs), where coords is a SkyCoord object containing an array.
Returns:A function that takes SkyCoord input with any shape (including scalar).


class dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixFITSQuery(fname, coord_frame, hdu=0, field=None, dtype='f8', scale=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixQuery

A HEALPix map class that is initialized from a FITS file.

__init__(fname, coord_frame, hdu=0, field=None, dtype='f8', scale=None)[source]
  • fname (str, HDUList, TableHDU or BinTableHDU) – The filename, HDUList or HDU from which the map should be loaded.
  • coord_frame (str) – The coordinate system in which the HEALPix map is defined. Must be a coordinate frame which astropy understands.
  • hdu (Optional[int or str]) – Specifies which HDU to load the map from. Defaults to 0.
  • field (Optional[int or str]) – Specifies which field (column) to load the map from. Defaults to None, meaning that hdu.data[:] is used.
  • dtype (Optional[str or type]) – The data will be coerced to this datatype. Can be any type specification that numpy understands, including a structured datatype, if multiple fields are to be loaded. Defaults to 'f8', for IEEE754 double precision.
  • scale (Optional[float]) – Scale factor to be multiplied into the data.
class dustmaps.healpix_map.HEALPixQuery(pix_val, nest, coord_frame, flags=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

A class for querying HEALPix maps.

__init__(pix_val, nest, coord_frame, flags=None)[source]
  • pix_val (array) – Value of the map in every pixel. The length of the array must be of the form 12 * nside**2, where nside is a power of two.
  • nest (bool) – True if the map uses nested ordering. False if ring ordering is used.
  • coord_frame (str) – The coordinate system that the HEALPix map is in. Should be one of the frames supported by astropy.coordinates.
query(coords, return_flags=False)[source]
  • coords (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinates to query.
  • return_flags ([Optional[bool]) – If True, return flags at each pixel. Only possible if flags were provided during initialization.

A float array of the value of the map at the given coordinates. The shape of the output is the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by coords. If return_flags is True, then a second array, containing flags at each pixel, is also returned.


class dustmaps.unstructured_map.UnstructuredDustMap(pix_coords, max_pix_scale, metric_p=2, frame=None)[source]

Bases: dustmaps.map_base.DustMap

A class for querying dust maps with unstructured pixels. Sky coordinates are assigned to the nearest pixel.

__init__(pix_coords, max_pix_scale, metric_p=2, frame=None)[source]
  • pix_coords (array-like astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The sky coordinates of the pixels.
  • max_pix_scale (scalar astropy.units.Quantity) – Maximum angular extent of a pixel. If no pixel is within this distance of a query point, NaN will be returned for that query point.
  • metric_p (Optional[float]) – The metric to use. Defaults to 2, which is the Euclidean metric. A value of 1 corresponds to the Manhattan metric, while a value approaching infinity yields the maximum component metric.
  • frame (Optional[str]) – The coordinate frame to use internally. Must be a frame understood by astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord. Defaults to None, meaning that the frame will be inferred from pix_coords.


exception dustmaps.config.ConfigError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class dustmaps.config.Configuration(fname)[source]

Bases: object

A class that stores the package configuration.

By default, the configuration is loaded from


This can be overridden by setting the environmental variable DUSTMAPS_CONFIG_FNAME.

Paths stored in the configuration file (such as the data directory, data_dir, can include environmental variables, which will be expanded.

get(key, default=None)[source]

Gets a configuration option, returning a default value if the specified key isn’t set.


Deletes a key from the configuration.


Resets the configuration, and overwrites the existing configuration file.


Saves the configuration to a JSON, in the standard config location.

Parameters:force (Optional[bool]) – Continue writing, even if the original config file was not loaded properly. This is dangerous, because it could cause the previous configuration options to be lost. Defaults to False.
Raises:ConfigError – if the configuration file was not successfully loaded on initialization of the class, and force is False.



Returns the directory used to store large data files (e.g., dust maps).


Returns an absolute path, expanding both ‘~’ (to the user’s home directory) and other environmental variables in the path.


Returns a directory that can be used to store temporary output.


class dustmaps.json_serializers.MultiJSONDecoder(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: json.decoder.JSONDecoder

A JSON decoder that can handle:
  • numpy.ndarray
  • numpy.dtype
  • astropy.units.Quantity
  • astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

encoding determines the encoding used to interpret any str objects decoded by this instance (utf-8 by default). It has no effect when decoding unicode objects.

Note that currently only encodings that are a superset of ASCII work, strings of other encodings should be passed in as unicode.

object_hook, if specified, will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in place of the given dict. This can be used to provide custom deserializations (e.g. to support JSON-RPC class hinting).

object_pairs_hook, if specified will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded with an ordered list of pairs. The return value of object_pairs_hook will be used instead of the dict. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders that rely on the order that the key and value pairs are decoded (for example, collections.OrderedDict will remember the order of insertion). If object_hook is also defined, the object_pairs_hook takes priority.

parse_float, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal).

parse_int, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON integers (e.g. float).

parse_constant, if specified, will be called with one of the following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN. This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers are encountered.

If strict is false (true is the default), then control characters will be allowed inside strings. Control characters in this context are those with character codes in the 0-31 range, including '\t' (tab), '\n', '\r' and '\0'.


Deserializes a JSONified numpy.dtype.

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of a dtype object.
Returns:A dtype object.

Deserializes a JSONified numpy.ndarray. Can handle arrays serialized using any of the methods in this module: "npy", "b64", "readable".

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of an ndarray object.
Returns:An ndarray object.

Deserializes a JSONified numpy.ndarray that was created using numpy’s save function.

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of an ndarray object, created using numpy.save.
Returns:An ndarray object.

Deserializes a JSONified astropy.units.Quantity.

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of a Quantity object.
Returns:A Quantity object.

Deserializes a JSONified astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of a SkyCoord object.
Returns:A SkyCoord object.

Deserializes a JSONified tuple.

Parameters:d (dict) – A dictionary representation of the tuple.
Returns:A tuple.
Returns a JSON encoder that can handle:
  • numpy.ndarray
  • numpy.floating (converted to float)
  • numpy.integer (converted to int)
  • numpy.dtype
  • astropy.units.Quantity
  • astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord
Parameters:ndarray_mode (Optional[str]) – Which method to use to serialize numpy.ndarray objects. Defaults to 'b64', which converts the array data to binary64 encoding (non-human-readable), and stores the datatype/shape in human-readable formats. Other options are 'readable', which produces fully human-readable output, and 'npy', which uses numpy’s built-in save function and produces completely unreadable output. Of all the methods 'npy' is the most reliable, but also least human-readable. 'readable' produces the most human-readable output, but is the least reliable and loses precision.
Returns:A subclass of json.JSONEncoder.

Annotates tuples before JSON serialization, so that they can be reconstructed during deserialization. Each tuple is converted into a dictionary of the form:

{‘_type’: ‘tuple’, ‘items’: (…)}

This function acts recursively on lists, so that tuples nested inside a list (or doubly nested, triply nested, etc.) will also be annotated.


Serializes a numpy.dtype.

Parameters:o (numpy.dtype) – dtype to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.

Serializes a numpy.ndarray in a format where the datatype and shape are human-readable, but the array data itself is binary64 encoded.

Parameters:o (numpy.ndarray) – ndarray to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.

Serializes a numpy.ndarray using numpy’s built-in save function. This produces totally unreadable (and very un-JSON-like) results (in “npy” format), but it’s basically guaranteed to work in 100% of cases.

Parameters:o (numpy.ndarray) – ndarray to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.

Serializes a numpy.ndarray in a human-readable format.

Parameters:o (numpy.ndarray) – ndarray to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.

Serializes an astropy.units.Quantity, for JSONification.

Parameters:o (astropy.units.Quantity) – Quantity to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.

Serializes an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, for JSONification.

Parameters:o (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – SkyCoord to be serialized.
Returns:A dictionary that can be passed to json.dumps.